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Afkom efter FD LO 62915 S*Nylands Black Adder .
Søgning fandt 37 katte.
KatteID Titler KatNavn Født StambogsNr Køn
49612 Vixi's Charisma 03-04-1992 FD LO 67313
42865 IC Vixi's Rosé 03-04-1992 FD LO 67314
23437 CH Vixi's Show Biz 03-04-1992 FD LO 67312
22623 Vixi's Robin Hood 03-04-1992 FD LO 67311
38206 Vixi's Shalimar 19-08-1992 FD LO 68808
31173 Vixi's Captain Hook 19-08-1992 FD LO 68807
11660 Vixi's Peter Pan 19-08-1992 1.DEKZV LO 182481
53023 Vixi's Gizmo 09-10-1992 FD LO 69720
51054 Vixi's Lollapalooza 09-10-1992 FD LO 69721
25734 Vixi's Vanilla Cream 09-10-1992 FD LO 69719
68994 CH Vixi's Hey, Paula, JW 12-04-1993 FD LO 71009
13258 IC Vixi's MoJoe, DM 12-04-1993 FD LO 71008
41953 Aina af Nadudvari DK 22-04-1993 FD LO 71662
38673 Adie af Nadudvari DK 22-04-1993 FD LO 71663
32123 Amy af Nadudvari DK 22-04-1993 FD LO 71661
27972 Alvin af Nadudvari DK 22-04-1993 FD LO 71664
43978 CH Carson of Beerpiece 22-07-1993 FD LO 73079
33360 Camus of Beerpiece 22-07-1993 FD LO 73080
12540 Cassandra of Beerpiece 22-07-1993 FD LO 73081
50699 EC Vixi's Kiri TeKanaWa 11-08-1993 FD LO 73366
44611 Vixi's Boomerang 27-07-1994 FD LO 78010
38058 Vixi's Arnold 27-07-1994 FD LO 78009
38057 Vixi's Fluffy 27-07-1994 FD LO 78008
40680 DK Can Do's Jum-Jum 06-01-1995 FD RX 10192
40473 DK Can Do's Garfield 06-01-1995 FD RX 10191
38427 DK Can Do's Zilas 06-01-1995 FD RX 10193
42329 Van Grebst Mollie Memory 30-06-1995 FD LO 81456
39317 Van Grebst Tove Suzanne 30-06-1995 FD LO 81455
70463 CH Vindex's Beatrice 08-09-1995 FD RX 10849
45842 Vindex's Bobby 08-09-1995 FD RX 10846
45417 Vindex's Benjamin 08-09-1995 FD RX 10848
27659 Vindex's Bastian 08-09-1995 FD RX 10847
44989 Van Grebst Camus 03-11-1995 FD LO 83389
49783 Emelie of Beerpiece 24-02-1996 FD LO 85435
47538 Eddy of Beerpiece 24-02-1996 FD LO 85434
29890 Estrella of Beerpiece 24-02-1996 FD LO 85436
31013 Fairchild of Beerpiece 30-07-1996 FD LO 86838